Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday Evenings

Our Friday's usually consist of celebrating that we survived the school week and gearing up for the weekend which is usually full of softball.  How better to start that off than to go see Coach Jeff for some hitting lessons.  He always is a big encouragement to Carli and Ava.  Drew always has a blast playing in the dirt and on the "playground."  And well, Maggie just thinks that is what we do on Fridays and knows no different.  Of special note, she did grace Coach Jeff with her very first major blow out diaper this week at lessons.  Ha!

Everyone always asks me who I think Maggie looks like.  She looks like Ava, they are twinkies just 7 years apart!  Ava was holding Maggie and I snapped this ya'll see it now?

After lessons, it's Mom's night off from cooking so off we go to meet Grammy and Pa for some burgers at Legends.  Most of the time the kids talk Pa or Keith into getting ice cream too!  Then on home for bed so we'll be ready for a softball games the next day.  Drew is usually pretty wound up because if he stops moving at this point he'll go to sleep.  Tonight, Kitty Tom was the recipient of his attention!

Even Maggie was excited about the weekend to come.  She was not quite ready for bed at 9 pm...Momma was though.  At least she graced me with some big grins and cuteness of playing with her hands.  :)

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