Our Carli is a Blessing - A Gift From Heaven Above

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You're So Precious to Me, Sweet as Can Be, Baby of Mine

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Our Sweet Maggie

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie...

What do I really need to say to the 4th kid?  I'm sorry?  :)

With all of our pregnancies, there was an element of stress and concern, but those seemed to multiply with you.  Honestly, we were frightened that you wouldn't make it, and we fought and we prayed for 9 very long months.  The time came for your delivery, and there was part of us that still didn't believe it was actually happening.  From the day of your delivery to now, it's been a wild ride as a family of 6.  There's nothing easy about it, but we love each other, and we make it work.  I hope that we can give you the attention that you need, but at the same time, I know you will understand that the world doesn't revolve around you and that you have to pull your own weight, which is a good thing.  You have three awesome siblings to help you navigate this world, and the best Mom that you could ever ask for.  You are blessed beyond measure.  With any luck, your mom and I will actually learn a thing or two about raising kids with the first 3, so we'll be at the top of our game for you!

 It's been a blast getting to know you over the last year.  Just recently, your personality has really begun to show, and it's so much fun.  Now that you're mobile, there's no stopping you!  You love music and seem to have some amazing coordination when playing with toys.  I think the biggest struggle we have is your dependence on Mom.  If she's around, no one else will do...but you do great when she's not around.  You have little flashes of a temper when things don't go your way, which we hope you grow out of!  There's a lot of life out in front of you, and I see a boldness in you to go get it!

Needless to say, we love you very much, and we're thrilled to have added you to the family this year.  Your siblings love you very, very much too.  You will always have a ton of support and love, sometimes probably more than you want, but that's family.  Happy Birthday, Maggie!!

With Lots of Love,


Maggie's One Year Stats:

29 inches tall
18.7 lbs 
18.5 head

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