Our Carli is a Blessing - A Gift From Heaven Above

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You're So Precious to Me, Sweet as Can Be, Baby of Mine

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Happy 2nd Birthday Maggie Reese

To my sweet Maggie Reese,

I can honestly say that you have been a blessing from the very first day I heard your heartbeat. You taught me that I cannot have complete control of everything.  You made me trust God. You made me depend on others. You made me see what a completely blessed person I am to be surrounded by so many who loved and prayed for you the whole time I was pregnant. Just when I thought I had no more to learn about having a baby, here you came!

In some ways you were my easiest baby, but in all fairness that's probably bc your daddy and I could care less what anyone thought about you sleeping in our room, or nursing on demand, fourth child syndrome I suppose. We just survived and enjoyed you!

The saying don't blink, because kids grow so fast gets more and more true with each passing day.  In the last year, you went from standing while holding on to something to literally running everywhere. You moved from our room in a crib to sharing a room with Drew and having your very own twin bed. You started two day a week preschool. You have enough hair for a little ponytail!! You are very opinionated on what to wear. You love shoes.  You love your Grammy and Pa days, especially when you get to "drive"the gator and check the chickens and cows.  And if the phone rings, you are convinced its Naggy and Pappy calling just for you!

Your relationship with your siblings is so fun to watch. You look up to Drew so much. You mimick him in all he does, drive him nuts, love to nap in his bed and when you are tired in the car still want to hold his hand while you drift off to sleep.

In true sister fashion, some days you love your Ava and Carli and some days if they even look at you the world falls apart! You may favor Ava on looks but you are definitely just as strong willed as Carli! 

You are still a Momma's girl but you have a special bond with your Daddy. Only he can get you to bed at night and to take 2 hr naps.  And I have a feeling it would not be wise to send you to the store alone with him bc there's no telling what you would come home with just bc he can't tell you no!

What a blessed year it has been to watch you grow! And while your temper is short and your patience non existent, your giggle is contagious and freckles simply irresistible! I love you more than words can express!

Happy 2nd birthday to my strong willed, freckled face, oh so sweet yet volatile Maggie Reese!   You bring spunk and excitement to each day and oh the sass! The quote, "I'm not responsible for what my face does when you talk" fits you to a T.  Bring on the terrific twos...I'll be optimistic. 😁

With all my love,


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