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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cousin Day Camp at the Lake

On Saturday, we headed out to Lake Striker. Keith and I were scheduled to paint all day and Grammy with the help of Uncle Tone was in charge of the kiddos. Keith and I had worked all week on taping and bedding the new dry wall at the lake house and then putting the texture on. So Saturday was a paint day and we were really hoping to get it done so that the new floors could go in and then furniture so it would be ready for July 4th. We moved slow - but tonight we'll get the second and last coat on everything and then the floors will go in!!

While we were working, Carli, Logan and Ava were having a blast outside with Grammy and Uncle Tone! Grammy had lots planned and she kept them all busy all day! First on the list was a quick trip to Henderson to go to Sherwin Williams to get more paint. Carli and Logan went with Grammy and Ava stayed with us and took a nap...

Once Grammy and crew got back, it was time for the fun to begin! The morning started off "fishing" in the small pool.

Ava even got in on the fishing action! It didn't take long for everyone to get soaking wet - and were down to their little skivvies! So, as soon as they tired of fishing, they all trooped in to put on swimsuits. Do you know how hard it is to put a dry swimsuit on a wet toddler?

Their next activity was awesome! Grammy sprayed out a bunch of shaving cream on the patio table and let them finger paint. Logan and Ava had fun but it was Carli that played for a good 20 minutes...

By the time she was done playing, she had covered her whole body in shaving cream! Uncle Tone said she played quietly and with intense concentration the whole time. He took her for a dunk in the lake to wash her off.

After the shaving cream, it was time for some water fun!!

And finally, the kiddos convinced Uncle Tone, Aunt Chelle and Grammy it was time to play in the lake!!

Carli has much improved her swimming and her confidence over the last couple of weeks.

Ava LOVES the water! She never stopped moving the whole time!

Here are some video that Uncle Tone shot from the day! The last one is my favorite. Keith put a ramp on the deck to make it easier for Grandma to come up and down. It is a bit steep and still has to put a rail up. But Logan made Uncle Keith proud when he found a new use for the ramp! :)

It was an AWESOME weekend for the girls! They had so much fun with Grammy, Uncle Tone, Aunt Chelle and Logan! Can't wait for more weekends and more memories to be made!

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