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Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Okinawan Adventures of Little Big Headed Baby: Day 2

 Dear Carli & Ava -

Hi!  It's me, Little Big Headed Baby!  I'm still over in Japan.  I was waking up to start my second day of adventures here in Okinawa when you were going to sleep.  I wish you both could have seen what I got to see today.  It was pretty cool.

After breakfast, we got in our neat little van with the lace head rest.  The first thing we went to see was a castle.  I thought it was a Japanese castle b/c we are in Japan.  But the castle is from over 500 years ago from when the Chinese controlled the island of Okinawa.  So the castle was really a Chinese castle.  It was not at all like the castles we see on our princess movies.

Before we went inside the castle wall, we stopped off at a mosileum which is a very fancy word for a cemetery.  This is where they put the king and queens bodies after they die.  It was surrounded by a stone wall to help keep ppl out.  That stone wall was built over 500 years ago.  That's older than Momma, Grammy, Grandma and even Grandma's momma.  That's pretty old! 

We didn't go inside the mosileum just looked at it from the outside.  Can you see me in all that old stone?

After we looked at all that really old stone, we finally went over to check out the castle.  The castle was actually destroyed by a fire when there was a big war a long time ago.  So they rebuilt the castle so ppl like us could see what it was like.  I really like that it is red.  Isn't it so pretty?

We got to go inside the castle, but first we had to take our shoes off.  Here in Japan, when you go into people's houses you must take your shoes off.  It is the nice thing to do!  Inside the castle we got to see the king's throne.  Beside the throne was a column that was painted so pretty...do you like it?

We found a place that let you take a picture in front of where the King's throne was.  See look at me!  I am the king!  :)  Or maybe I am the queen!

 The castle was really cool.  Maybe when I get home we can watch the movie Mulan.  I think maybe it has a castle in it like the one I saw today.

After we saw a castle we drove a little while until we stopped at a cave.  Do you know what a cave is?  Have you ever been in one?  I hadn't ever gone inside a cave, but I did today!  We went down a lot of stairs.  It took a long time to get down into the cave.  And then when we finally got to the cave, it was dark!  There were stalagmites and stalactites on the floors and ceiling.  Do you see them?  They look like skinny mountains coming off the floors and ceiling.  Grammy will have to tell you all about how they are made.  It is easier just to know that God made that cave and He put those really cool things all over it.  :)

It took us over 30 minutes to walk through that really awesome cave.  I wish you could have seen it like I did.  I was so happy that they had an escalator for us to ride up so we didn't have to go up all those stairs. 

On our way back to the car there was a guy who had a yellow snake.  It was a really big snake.  I was kind of scared of it!  But Grammy said it would not hurt me and that we should take a picture with it so that you could see how big that snake was.  I would only take a picture with the snake if Momma and Grammy went with me.  Yellow is a pretty color.  They said this snake does not bite but he still looked kind of scary to me!

After a picture with a snake, I was ready to come back to the hotel.  We walked a lot today and went up and down lots of stairs!  That sure did make me tired! 

Naggy sent us a picture of the ballerina and lady bug you painted at the birthday party.  They looked very pretty!  I hope that you had a good day yesterday.  Will you give Pappy a hug for me when you get him from the airport in the morning?  Maybe he will save me a birthday cupcake you made for him.  I am tired now and am ready for bed.  I think you are about to wake up!

Have an awesome Saturday!  My Saturday was great!

Little Big Headed Baby

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