Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Rainbow Thank You!

Last Friday, Momma had to work in Alto and some folks from out of state came down for meetings. So, Carli and Ava couldn't go to work with me like they usually do. Sassy has summer class in the mornings and Grammy was trying to get things ready for a cook out that night - so we were in great need for a morning sitter! I went through everyone I knew, and finally, I asked our friend Beth who has a 4 month old little boy. I was trying to avoid asking new mommas, but she didn't hesitate and came to help us out. From all accounts they all had a great morning. Carli even showed Baby Jacob, our "baby" Jacob (which is a Popsicle stick with a little baby drawn on it...there's another story hidden in there)!

Saturday morning, Keith was working out at the lake and Ava was napping so Carli and I set about putting together a little "Thank You" card.

First we had to cut some colored paper into squares. Someone told Carli she needed to open her mouth to help her cut...I'm not sure who, but she hasn't forgotten!

Not the best picture, but the only one I was able to capture of her putting together our rainbows. Carli is very "anti" picture taking these days!

Adding clouds. I wish I had Elmer's glue, but the glue stick worked okay.

Admiring our work on the fridge - where we had to put it to keep it safe from Ava per Carli's instructions!

A close up of Carli's work...

We plan to give Jacob and his Momma their card at church - it is now missing the top right corner b/c Carli ripped it off the fridge Saturday night so she could show it off to Naggy and Pappy on Skype. It just has a little character now! ha!

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2020 Carli's COVID19 Dairy: Day 25

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