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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Family Reunion & Easter Egg Hunt

Every year on Easter the King/Bennett side of my family has a reunion.  Every year it has been at the old Central High Community Center that is an old school house.  It is a pretty neat building but lacks air conditioning!  Thankfully this year it was really nice out and the lack of that modern convenience was not noticeable!  We missed getting to see some of our cousins and other family members but we did have a good turn out and the kids had a blast!

Carli and Ava were especially stoked to get to spend the day with their Logan.  They all played really hard the whole day!

Cousin Weston came too!  Carli got to love on "her baby Weston" a lot.  She is a little Momma. 

After all the good food was eaten it was time for the highlight of the kids day, an Easter Egg hunt!  The girls did really well, except for the fact that they kept not picking up eggs b/c they didn't like that color, or it wasn't pretty enough!


Grandma and Uncle Tone enjoyed watching the festivities.  At one point Grandma even helped Weston find a few eggs!  Logan got over 40 eggs!  He was very proud!

Last year I took one of my favorite pictures of the girls during this Easter egg hunt, when I tried to capture those pretty blue eyes again this is what I got:

Ava's picture is not so bad, but Carli's picture kind of shows a wee bit of attitude...oh boy!

I spent most of my time following around this sweet little boy.  I got to play with my camera and he let me practice on him!  It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of pictures of him...it kind of deserves a post all its own.  :) 

As everyone was loading up to go home, Logan, Carli and Ava all insisted on riding with Pa in his new truck to his house.  So we all went to Grammy and Pa's house to visit with cousins, aunts and uncles while the kids ran off whatever energy they could possibly have left.  When we left to head hm around seven, Ava barely could hold her eyes open to eat her Whataburger.  Apparently she had an awesome day!  :)

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