Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rollar Skating

We had the opportunity to take the girls to the Skating Rink on Sunday night after church.  One of the couples at Grammy & Pa's church had rented out the rink, so it was a pretty laid back, not so many older kids running around time - which meant a great time to put wheels on our 4 & 5 year old and wish them luck!

Keith actually is a pretty good rollarblader.  Grammy can skate really good.  Me - not so much.  I'm pretty sure I cracked my tailbone in college during pledging attempting to be social - the thought of skating makes me hurt all over.

The girls had a blast.  Their wheels were pretty well locked up most of the time but they asked to have them loosened the last 10 minutes we were there.  It was quite the sight to see them attempt to skate with wheels that actually turned!  All in all they did really well.  They keep asking to go back again.
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